Alright, a few things I want to comment on. First, there's already an entire decentralized social media universe out there, it's the activitypub and hubzilla protocols. You don't need Web3.0 and the other NFT shit.
Second, your argument about a "tech bro" (Elon sure is a tech bro) censoring you is kinda weak because 1) free speech is only guaranteed by the Constitution (in the US) and 2) Slander and libel are big ticket items that these private platforms have to police, or else they'll get into trouble themselves.
Look, Elon is a complete tool here. He had a chance to get out of this deal and pay the $1 billion breakup money, instead, he spent $44 billion on something he has NO CLUE ABOUT. He might be good at engineering-related startups (i.e. Tesla, Space X) but a social media platform is WAY OVER HIS HEAD.
Elon is an intelligent man but he sure does dumb things.