Member-only story
Find Your Flow State For Your Obsession
Cultivate your creative energies
The flow state is amazing when you wake up from it.
It has many names. It’s “being in the zone”. It’s the no mind. It’s poetry in motion.
It’s a dream that you only perceive when it’s over. It’s getting in the car and arriving at your destination without ever remembering driving there.
It’s the flawless execution of a dance, a karate move, or shooting the winning goal.
We all know it and want it because it makes us feel alive and brings us happiness.
Getting to the flow state is hard sometimes. It’s incredibly addictive but hard to turn on when you want it. People just say “it comes naturally” but you and I know better.
It’s like a muscle if you don’t use it you lose it. You always have to hustle to keep it. It could take months or years to get it back if you lost it, just ask Tiger Woods about that!
Achieving the flow state is one of the hardest things you can do, so how do you stack the odds in your favor? How do you find your flow state and use it? How do you use it for your obsession?
The answer is that it takes practice, a lot of practice.