First off, virtual {{hugs}}, sorry you are feeling in pain. Get better soon! Second, you certainly didn't want this. You wanted connection, love, intimacy, and all that. Isn't that what we all want? You're normal, the general society isn't.
Writers, artists, musicians, the 'weird kids' are what society calls crazy and stupid, but I dare to say that we are the normal ones. We are the compassionate ones, they ones that have an overabundance of love to share and it flows from deep within us. We are beings of light. We come in all different colors, different wave lengths.
Don't be down on yourself for this failed relationship, keep going. Keep searching. You will find him/her/them. It took me years to find my partner but I'm glad I didn't give up. Don't give up, you will find your partner, another being of light on your wave length, that you can share your love with.