I have tears in my eyes reading this because this is the bravest thing I've ever read from you. I'm so happy for you and your courage is so inspiring.
I'm so sorry that you have had these terrible experiences with "men." They've taken their masculine energy and instead of using it to lift up women, they use it as a flamethrower to watch them burn.
I have nothing against casual sex, nothing at all (sometimes it's the right medicine to cure you) but you touched on something that's very dear to my heart. The sacredness, beauty, and bonding power of true connectedness between a partner(s).
There was a period of 6 years where I went without sexual intimacy, mostly because it was too intense for me. I craved a deep connection, something that 'dicking around' couldn't do. Sure I'd have a few minutes of orgasmic bliss but that I craved to dive into her deep oceans of feminity and it was too painful for me to be dragged out of the water.
So I stayed celibate and after those 6 years until I attracted my ex (before my partner now) and built a very deep connection with her. We didn't make it but it taught me that "yes! this is what I want and deserve!"
Deserve. I deserved to give myself to her fully, vulnerable, open, and know that she held me in her deepest oceans of love. You deserve that too. You deserve that sacred dick! You deserve it all the live long sacred dick day! Hell, I'd even say that the world needs it because I believe that the survival of the world lies in sacred dick energy.
Hang in there, this is a journey that you must undertake. Have no fear, you won't be alone. There will be friends of many different and colorful energies to help you along the way. {{hugs}}