I was an active trader and then I read a Random Walk Down Wall Street. Then I stopped because the trading fees ate my gains and it was just SO EXHAUSTING.
Everyone wants to get rich fast and in my experience only a few outliers make that happen. It's an average for a reason. There winners and losers and where they meet is in the middle, the average.
I know everyone wants to be on the winner side, the active side, but let's be real here. Do you really have what it takes to be an active winning trader? Probably not. That's just reality.
So how do stack the odds in your favor whether you're average, shitty, or awesome. You do less. You invest, and hold. You dollar cost average. You diversify, rebalance, and keep your fees low. You buy keep a bit of cash handy to buy good companies when people dump them and then you hold.
This approach as made all the difference for me and my portfolio. I make more money now in gains and dividends than I ever did actively trading. Plus it's less stressful and I'm not spending my time dealing with market noise.
I know it's seductive but take it from me, passive investing is pretty rad.