I'm about 1/2 way finished with Opening Up (thank for the recommendation) and it's dispelled a lot of my misconceptions on the polyamory.
I had always thought that polyamory was an excuse to just cheat on your partner. Of course, I was looking at life through the hetero-monogamous lens - because that's all I was taught.
The book made me realize that I'm quite possibly polyamorous. It feels weird coming out and saying that but there are so many of my aspects of how I live my life with my partner that "checks off the boxes."
While we share a deeply loving monogamous sexual and emotional relationship, we're surprisingly very polyamorous when it comes to our friendships. We've never been jealous of having an opposite-sex friend and going out and doing activities with them and we encourage each other to do so. Why? because A) sometimes we get much-needed alone time away from our partner and B) we get a need filled that the other can't or won't be able to do.
It's been all very eye-opening, thank you!