I've given this part a lot of thought over the years and I wonder if this is the root of the existential crisis. I wonder if the true issue is the fear of death, of not being remembered, or of leaving a legacy. Life can be random and death, sadly, will come around at the worst time.
I wonder if having kids is the easiest way to at least be remembered for two generations after your death, perhaps subconsciously we feel at ease with that unspoken knowledge. Not everyone can leave a legacy that will be remembered. Only a few famous people have but the rest of us? Popping out kids is the easiest physical reminder that you existed.
I don't know the answer and I certainly don't know what is the right way to think about this, but I do know that as a parent I'm consumed with protecting the life of my kids. It's the natural thing to do. All living creatures do it.
I'd like to think that one day I'll be a remembered author or famous person but the odds are I will be forgotten in three generations. I will have never existed but perhaps as an old social security number in a database somewhere.
That can be incredibly scary to think about, or incredibly liberating. Thanks for the great article.