Member-only story
The Medium Experiment and Movember
Writing for a worthy charity
It’s 5:30 AM and today is the day I start my Medium Experiment for a worthy cause. It’s the day that I start growing a mustache for November in support of my brothers suffering from prostate, testicular cancer, and mental health issues.
My goal is to donate my entire November earnings from Medium to the Movember Foundation. Why? Because Men’s Health issues are important. Healthy men, both physically and mentally are so important to the people that love you.
Why this charity and why now? There are a few reasons but the big one is that my Father is a prostate cancer survivor and I have a friend who is a testicular cancer survivor. Plus it’s my birthday month and doing something for a charity on men’s health resonated with me.
I hope to make a sizable donation. I earned over $54 in October and I would like to increase that considerably, with your help of course.
How you can help. There are three simple ways you can do it. The first is to become a Medium subscriber if you’re not.
The second is just read my stories, take the time to read them and then comment and clap. The third way you can help is the first two AND follow me. That’s it, super low friction on your time and energy.
Thank you so much for joining me on my journey. I will continue to write about stories I care about and express my voice, but with more frequency.
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