The sad thing is that when presented with this research the majority of men (and some women) will bury their heads in the sand and continue to perpeuate this madness. Fathers will "toughen up" their boys because they had suffered violence and mothers will worry that their boys aren't tough enough to survive the violence.
Look, I like doing what would be considered "masculine" stuff. I like sparing and fighting in my Dojo with my classmates. It's part comraderie and part learning to protect myself. Why do I have to learn to protect myself? I have to learn to protect myself from other men. Granted, I don't put myself or my loved ones in situations where violence is the norm but I've seen fights in well established social settings over the stupidest things. Violence happens everywhere in our society.
What I fear is that we can never get out of this cycle of violence because people like me have to learn how to be a "warrior in a garden than a gardner in a war." If the USA were to shed it's violent past and men were to sluff off the Man box for something better, our "enemies" would consider it weak and attack. So we can't and the cycle continues.