Member-only story
Spark Your Creativity
Want to be more Creative? Take a Walk!
I make no qualms about it, I want to be like Hemingway. Not in his self-destructive aggrandizing ways, but more like his lesser known writing habits.
Was he a flawed man? You bet.
Did he do shitty things? No doubt!
Misogynist? Yep.
Yet, the thing that draws me to his works is his efficient prose and something not often thought about: his morning routine.
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought. — Matsuo Basho
No, I don’t want to copy him or write like him. I’m on my own path and I have my own stories to tell. I take the advice of Haiku Master Matso Basho, I’m seeking what Hemingway sought. I’m trying to understand what the Writing Masters learned and seek that wisdom for myself.
Why? Because for years I sought external validation from friends, workers, and ex-lovers. I realized that it was more harmful to get their praise when instead I should reflect inward instead and write the truth. Write what makes me want to sing and not stop.
The secret I learned from this inner reflection? It starts with waking up early and going for a walk.