When I was a young man I had some draconian ideas of how a woman should look. Big boobs, tight ass, etc. Except I had a hard time reconciling the various "mother/goddess" figurines from the paleolithic periods (voluptuous with a belly, etc).
As I grew older I began to drop those market-imposed ideals (after all we can never be too thin, or too ripped, or too whatever BUT you can be if you buy X) and started to accept lovers in my life that were just themselves.
Somewhere along the way, I dated a single mother with a bit of pudginess and I realized that I loved it. The softness, the radiating femininity of her curves, and the knowledge that she carried a baby in there made me desire her more.
It is SO HARD to love our bodies in whatever state they are in. I struggle with it too and I'm a man. I'm incredibly aware of my "Dad Bod" and how it's perceived in this society but that too is starting to moderate as I grow older. I'm in the IDGAF stage these days and it's been so liberating.