Years ago I heard a funny but sad saying that went like this, "women fake orgasms and men fake relationships." We men are very good at saying the words that women want to hear to get them into bed. It's like that colorful bird trying to attract his mate, puffing himself up to make it look all perfect, then wham bam and thank you, ma'am.
I have nothing against consensual casual sex, I have had my experiences, but what I do know is that if a man wants to build a long-term relationship he will go to great lengths to make it known to her, build respect, and keep that respect. He knows how fragile every could be and - assuming a monogamous relationship - will work hard to safeguard that relationship.
Perhaps the best way I can explain it is from the movie Big Fish where Helena Bonham Carter's character says (paraphrased), "there were always two types of women in your Daddy's life...Your Momma and all the rest." Note: I so love that movie.
You are not terrible at sex, no one is. Inexperienced at times? Of course. Interested in new sexual experiences? Most definitely. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you believe you yearn for, much like many of us do, a deep connection to really let ourselves go in the moment. To know that we can be safe with our partners and be a passionate vulnerable hot mess writhing in ecstasy. Then wake up in the morning and make breakfast and talk of the future.
You're doing great work here and I like this new introspection of late.