You see, you point out the appropriate time for violence, when a life is threatened or serious bodily harm.
But yes, this was white knight chivalrous crap from a bygone era. Let me slap you with glove and demand satisfaction!
Will fell pray to the macho narrative when instead he should've, as you pointed out, got up on the mic and called Chris Rock out for that and perhaps called attention to the disease as well.
One of my favorite responses from Arnie was when someone called The Special Olympics as "retarded" or something equally condescending.
He approached it from, "hey you're just being ignorant because you might not know about this, but if you do know about this and are still saying these mean things then you're a jerk and a loser."
There are two paths one can take to resolve these issues, the right path and the wrong path. More often than not, people choose the wrong path.