You're so right on point with this. People don't give a shit. They care about the Kardashians, the latest iPhone, mindless distractions, etc. They don't see the world burning in front of their eyes and they keep voting against their best interests.
I fear the tipping point has happened and we're well underway for another massive extinction event. I don't know about you but when I was a kid my parent's car windshield would be filled with smashed insects from driving. Now? Maybe one every few weeks.
There should be zero vax debate but unfortunately, there is. Delta is killing children now and I'm really upset that these innocent children will die because of their anti-vaxx parents 'own research.'
But you know what? This will be callous to say but I'm not sorry for people who die from Covid19 if they had the chance to get the vaccine. Our planet is vastly overpopulated and perhaps an ongoing pandemic is what is needed to restore balance.